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Norse Kayaks

Norse Kayaks - Bylgja Fiberglass

Norse Kayaks - Bylgja Fiberglass

Regular price $3,500.00 CAD
Regular price Sale price $3,500.00 CAD
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This is Norse Kayaks hard chine kayak with a firm skeg. The Bylgja is extremely well tracking in all conditions, and turns on a dime. As all our sea kayaks Bylgja´s hull is reinforced with aramid all the way through her keel. But in addition to this the chines are also reinforced to take a beating. This kayak has three bulkheads, and as for storage room; two day hatches. 

Bylgja, daughter of rulers of the seas Ågir and Ran, was one of the waves found at sea. We can only imagen she was one of the larger ones.

17' 1" - 21.75" - 11.75"

53 lbs

Cockpit measures:

Width: 40 cm

Length: 84 cm

Height: 30 cm

Total volume: 350l.

Front bulkhead: 65l.

Cockpit: 180l.

Day hatch: 35l.

Rear bulkhead: 70l.

Max loading weight: 140kg. 

Recommended paddler weight: 60kg. - 110kg.

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